NFT Upgrades

This feature allows any users to upgrade your NFTs to higher-level NFTs.

Car Upgrades

  • Using three 1-star cars to upgrade to a 2-star car

  • Using three 2-star cars to upgrade to a 3-star car

Upgrade success rate & upgrade fees

Upgrade TypePre-requirementSuccess RateFee

From 1-star to 2-star

Three 1-star cars


10000 xDRACE

From 2-star to 3-star

Three 2-star cars


70000 xDRACE

Weapon Upgrades

Weapon upgrades are similar to car upgrades

  • Using three 1-star weapons (guns/rockets) to upgrade to a 2-star weapon

  • Using three 2-star weapons (guns/rockets) to upgrade to a 2-star weapon

Upgrade success rate & upgrade fees

Upgrade TypePre-requirementSuccess RateFee

From 1-star to 2-star weapon

Three 1-star weapons


30000 xDRACE

From 2-star to 3-weapon

Three 2-star weapons


85000 xDRACE

Upgrade prices will be changed in the future based on our community's feedback

Upgrade Results

  • Success: Input NFTs for the upgrade will be burnt, a new NFT will be created according to the upgrade result

  • Failure: Input NFTs would be either burnt or returned back to the user if

    • If the user upgrades with using Protection Card, the input NFTs will be returned back to the user when the upgrade fails

    • If the user upgrades without using Protection Card, the input NFTs will be burnt.

How to use Protection Card

Users need to buy Three 1-star NTFs on our app and use Protection Card when upgrading

Protection Card price: 10000 xDRACE

Last updated